Allies in a Bind – Australia and the Netherlands East Indies in the Second World
NIOD – Dutch Institute for War Documentation in Amsterdam
Dutch East Indies collection – 400
- 3539 ALFSEA (Allied Land Forces South East Asia) prosecution of war crimes. The office was in CC apparently. 3539 holds correspondence, notes and reports. Digital.
- 3549-3553 ALFSEA, “CC” interviews Columbia Camp. Some of them in December 1945. Digital
- 5248 NICA: Memorandum Amerikaanse State Department, 5 juni 1945, on the activities of NICA in New-Guinea, 1945 Digital
- 4305: Wegener committee, a research group convening in CC to do research on the liberation of the Philippines as comparison to liberating Indonesia. Digital
- 3305 to 3358: hundreds of interrogation reports on Japanese POW’s, internees or people who fled Japanese occupation of Indonesia. Digital
- 4217: NEFIS (Intelligence) Study of the Island of Tarakan – interesting as Tarakan was later invaded by the Australians in May 1945. Digital
- 4692: meetings of the Council of Department Heads, December 1944. Digital
- Numerous other documents on economy and politics, all written in CC.
Collection of diaries and ego documents – 401
- 167: Letters by Mrs E. Einthoven-Zeeman about life in occupied Netherlands Indies, primarily written in CC at the end of the war.
- Diary of F.V. Rühl of his life in occupied Indonesia till his evacuation to Australia and CC.
NIMH (MoD Military History Institute) in the Hague
Netherlands Indies versus Japan collection – 508
- 1055 – 1056 – 1060 – 1105 interrogation reports of Indonesian Heiho and Romusha, liberated in DNG, compiled in CC. Fall 1944.
- 1127: meetings of the Council of Department Heads in Melbourne and from October 1944 in CC.
National Archives the Hague
2.12.26 Inventaris van het archief van de Marinecommandant Australië, tot 27 oktober 1943 tevens Onderbevelhebber der Strijdkrachten in het Oosten en daarbij gedeponeerde archiefbescheiden, 1942-1947 [archives of the Dutch naval command Australia]
- 94: documents on the accomodation of naval personell in Camp Columbia
2.21.123 Inventaris van het archief van dr. H.J. van Mook [levensjaren 1894-1965] [Secretary for the Colonies and later Governor General for the Indies]
- 50: New Years message GG van Mook to personell in Camp Columbia, 31 December 1944
- 30: Stukken betreffende de instelling van een vrouwenkorps bij het KNIL. December 1944 – augustus 1945 1 [about a womans corps] Digital.
2.10.62 Inventaris van het archief van de Marine en Leger Inlichtingendienst, de Netherlands Forces Intelligence Service en de Centrale Militaire Inlichtingendienst in Nederlands-Indië [Military Intelligence in WW2]
- 25 Stukken betreffende een verhuizing van vrouwelijk Australisch burgerpersoneel in Camp Columbia van sector ‘C’ naar sector ‘E’. 1945 1 omslag [moving Australian staff from sector C to E]
- 229 Stukken betreffende in Australië geïnterneerde Indonesiërs. 1945 1 omslag [interned Indonesians in Australia]
- 230 Ingekomen stukken en doorslag van uitgaand stuk inzake registratie van Indonesiërs in Australië. 1945 1 omslag [registration of Indonesians in Australia]
- 231 Stukken betreffende de Indonesische gemeenschap in Australië. 1944 1 omslag [Indonesian community in Australia]
- 239 Stukken betreffende inlichtingen omtrent betrouwbaarheid van Nederlanders en Nederlands-Indische onderdanen in Australië. 1943, 1945 1 omslag Openbaarheid beperkt tot 01-01-2021 [Dutch and Dutch Indonesian reliability in Australia – classified till 01012021]
- 240 Stukken betreffende onderzoeken naar de politieke overtuiging van personeel van leger en luchtmacht. 1944-1945 1 omslag Openbaarheid beperkt tot 01-01-2021 [Plotical reliability of army and air force personell in Australia – classified till 01012021]
- 311 Stukken betreffende de Centrale Opleiding Gidsen en Tolken te Casino. 1945 1 omslag [concerning the training of guides and interpreters in Casino]
- 346 Stukken betreffende militaire dienstplicht van in Australië verblijvende Indonesiërs en hun eventuele internering bij dienstweigering. 1942-1943 1 omslag [on draft for Indonesians in Australia and internment when refusing to serve]
2.10.14 Inventaris van het archief van de Algemene Secretarie van de Nederlands-Indische Regering en de daarbij Gedeponeerde archieven, (1922) 1944-1950 [all archival material on the Secretariat of the Netherlands Indies Government is located in the AN in Jakarta]
- — Stukken betreffende de huisvesting van de Nederlands-Indische regering in Camp Columbia en de latere liquidatie van dat kamp (AH). 1945-1946 1 omslag [In Archip Nasional Jakarta]
CC still in use by the Dutch (ALFSEA war crimes prosecution) in December 1945 (NIOD files
Compiled by Ruby Todorovski Researcher at University of Queenland, Archaeological Project Camp Columbia, Wacol.
Below is Camp Columbia information form Bronbeek. This is a museum and the knowledge center of the colonial-military past of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, run by the Netherlands Ministery of Defence..

See also:Camp Columbia in pictures