The Camp Columbia Heritage Association (CCHA) had a great win in Brisbane for the Camp Columbia Heritage Project.
Last month we received a phone call from Cr Sarah Hutton’s office that our funding submission has been approved, under the Lord Mayor’s Better Suburbs Grants program.
Heritage interpretation signage at Pooh Corner Bushland Reserve
CCHA’s project will install heritage interpretation signage at the entrance to the Pooh Corner Bushland Reserve in Wacol, about the former WWII military camp ‘Camp Columbia’ that was situated in and around this site. The signage will be mounted on the back of the existing noticeboard just inside the Reserve. The noticeboard currently shows interpretative information mostly about biodiversity values and walking tracks, with only brief reference to history. The project outcome entails signage about Camp Columbia history during World War II and its various subsequent uses. The project’s expected impact includes raising visitor awareness of this rich heritage and history.
CCHA asked for $10,000 and we received $6450.23. This will cover the cost of the fabrication and installation of a physical display cabinet. This means we must look after the content development, graphic design and production of the display materials ourselves.
For this we will also use some of the funds that we received from the Netherlands Embassy. The project aims for completion by 2024 year’s end.
Paul Budde